With the dedicated ENT health community forum, you’re not only being heard, you can also grow your wisdom by sharing in active online community. That’s why this health forum opens up immense opportunities to learn and get your questions answered for healthy life style.
What can you learn?
I will be writing a number of articles regularly in near future to educate my patients about new health diseases that people should know about. Members can follow each other, write and reply to comments and receive relevant notifications. They can also post any questions or queries, which I will be very happy to answer. There is an exponential rise in new diseases and threats in society. For example, some areas of Delhi area are prone to mosquito related diseases while other areas are prone to water related diseases. I will be assisting you by sharing the knowledge about these new threats so that you can secure your family from such diseases.
Although, I will be describing the diseases for a non-medico point of view, you are encouraged to ask questions in comment section about any relevant thing. I will answer all of your queries. For further assistance, I will also guide you to relevant materials which are used by all medical practitioners.
Here’s how to gain most from this blog:
Visit this blog frequently and Read the articles
Ask questions in comment section after logging in
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Dr. Mamatarani Rout
ENT Consultant (Otolaryngologist)